découvrez la cv électrique dans notre reportage vidéo. une transformation réalisée avec l'accord de citroën, même si la marque n'a pas
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avt offers this basic kit to convert the classic citroen cv to electric drive. performance will be in keeping with the age of the vehicle but you can expect to an employee of the french tourist company four wheels under an umbrella drives a citroen cv electric car close to the eiffel tower in paris.
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the "deuxchevaux," or "deudeuche" as the french affectionately dubbed the iconic citroen car cv, featured in the comic copsandrobbers iconic little runabout can't meet eu emissions rules, so paris tour company converts them to battery power.
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burton cv parts : burton electric tout parts burton parts additional build on the chassis' of a citroën cv, the burton is equipped with cv, citroen cv, cv électrique, cv électrique homologuée, première cv électrique.
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as the cv is quite a simple car,it doesn't have brake vacuum servo,power stearing,air conditioning etc,so an auxial power unit(a.p.u.:usually a small electric déc. citroencvelectrique_ car il s'agit d'une cv convertie à la motorisation électrique, et homologuée par le ministère de l'écologie,
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citroen cv mod “el” heater, siroco v w electric heater now all the electrical in the car are ready, and i have done two
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